56. Respawn

Marco, Vergo, Reinhart, and the others were discussing at a location not far from the Castle. This castle was the headquarters they would occupy.

"We will divide the squad into four teams. Captain Marco, Lieutenant Vergo, Josh, and Owen will lead the team and we will attack from four sides; left, right, front, and back of this castle. Kill as many as you can. We will collect all the items left by the enemy."

Reinhart explained his plan.

Reinhart looked at Josh and Owen earnestly.

Before Josh and Owen became Knights, both were hunters. Although they only hunt wild boars or wild animals in the forest. But they are very good at setting traps and finding traps.

Look at the two people who previously served as gatekeepers in the royal capital.

Reinhart couldn't help but remember Arthur's words.

"No one is born useless. Not only do you not have the opportunity to show your skills, but you also do not get formal training."

Reinhart was born into a civilian family.

His father was just an ordi
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