Princess of Ice and Snow

While Akito was busy clearing the west side of his country of triple S-class monsters, other countries were also facing the same problem.

Boom... Boom...

"Guild master, be careful, the triple S-class monsters are coming towards you."

A soft female voice shouted worriedly to warn her guild master, who had just killed an S-class monster.

When the woman heard the warning, he immediately jumped up to avoid the hands that were trying to grab her back...

Tad tad — shh — as she swirls through the snow.

Roooaaaaaaaaaaaar... when the triple S-class monster saw his sneak attack fail, he immediately got enraged, as he pumped his chest, saying his mighty... Roar!

"Guild master, be careful that gorilla is a cunning one, and can use the snow to easily glide and dash to places soundlessly and sneak attack."

Her silent guild master nods to her team as she acknowledges the warning and appreciates their concerns.

The triple S-class monster was identified as the Snow Gorilla, a unique evolution, a
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