Eternal Night, Elemental Dragon Ancestress
"I, Louise Victoria Vermillion, hereby accept my identity as the personification of Night, the Primordial Darkness, Son of Chaos. I hereby declare to the universe that I have returned... And shall fulfill my promise to the "Great Lord" that the Old Gods had made."

The white space that one of the girls that came with Athena, Louise, was sent to, was instantly sorounded by darkness from corner to corner. This darkness swallowed everything, leading to complete darkness, darker than black itself.

Suspended in the center of this phenomenon, the overly beautiful Louise closed her eyes and let the True Will, an entity above everyone, the highest true order, do its job.

The darkness was absorbed into her hair, her originally dark hair turned a shader darker. Making it look darker than the abyss itself. It even felt like it was absorbing the sorounding heat and light.

Her complexion became a bit paler, increasing her beauty by twofold or even threefold. A cute pure black half tear-like drop
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