Ch. XVIII: Fin.

Archie awoke to a peculiar and unfamiliar dream, disorientated by the commotion outside. Looking around, he struggled to grasp his surroundings and the situation at hand.

Gradually, he realised he was lying on a bed of soft grass, when suddenly a loud noise shattered the silence. It was the voices of the people who had just emerged victorious against three raging demons.

He gingerly touched his temple, feeling the tender wound. While he couldn't recall much from the dream, he sensed it had been unnervingly vivid and had left him anxious.

Getting up, Archie surveyed his surroundings, taking in the warriors' smiling faces and cheerful chatter. They wore expressions of fulfilment after their triumph over the demons. Archie was relieved to still be alive but overwhelmed by the reality of the situation.

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