Ch. XVIII: Singularity

As the group entered the city, they saw that chaos had already begun to unfold. Buildings were on fire, people were screaming and running for their lives, and there were strange creatures roaming the streets. Akhem and Harlequin seemed pleased with the destruction they had caused, but Archie felt a pit in his stomach.

"What have you done?" he asked, looking at them with horror.

"We have done what needed to be done," replied Harlequin. "We are bringing change to this world, and sometimes that requires sacrifice."

Archie shook his head, unable to comprehend the cruelty of their actions. "This isn't change, it's destruction. Innocent people are dying because of your actions."

Akhem chuckled. "Innocent? There is no such thing as innocence in this world. Everyone is guilty of

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