Justice squad

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Justice squad

By: Prince genius (ray) OngoingSci-Fi

Language: English

Chapters: 15 views: 281

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15 years ago, unknown alien cyborgs raged a war on earth,many were killed,those with parents became orphans even the soldiers weapons couldn't scratch the cyborgs.The cyborgs left leaving a message"the crakas just started". everyone was shocked so the earth military under the approval of the president created a powerful military force in space,equiped with space guns called the space delta force,but the force still needed a team without fear,a team ready to lay down their life's for the world,a team that would fight a battle till their last breath.......the team is the...... justice squad

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  • Olajubu Adelere


    more chapters pls

    2024-07-14 19:15:46
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15 chapters
The chance
Two years after the invasion,a lot of people were affected, children with no parents, people with home are now sleeping under bridges, people with riches are now beggers,the blood stain still couldn't be washed off,even the birds ain't sounding right anymore,the forest were dry,no animals except for their bones left in the dust,and there was mike, who lost his parents without even knowing them,but always have the spirit to revenge.............. "Damn am so hungry".mike clenched his teaths,he carried his little bowl going around the market begging for food and money under the hot sun. "Please anybody, just a penny....anything... can't keep on moving any more.... please ".mike begged going to each traders with his bowl. "Buzz off,you stinky pest or I will show you why am called a butcher,yaaaaaa".the butcher said pointing his knife at mike. "It ain't your fault,am just a guy born unlucky". mike mumbled with his face so down.He went round and round in the market but couldn't find any
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The test(part one)
"Amanda". commander crugger called. "Yes am here". Amanda answered "Am taking this two boys with me". commander crugger said. "So is there any documents to sign ". commander crugger asked. "Documents are for losers,I can even sell them,just give me two million and go". Amanda replied. "Did she just sell us ". Noah whispered to mike. "Just be cool ".mike whispered back. "Okay then". commander crugger brought out his phone and transferred the digits. "Thank you". commander crugger said leaving. "Good bye mike and Noah,am so going to miss you ". Amanda shouted. "Is she really going to miss us ". Noah asked. "Yeah right,in her dreams ".mike replied. They entered the jeep and drove off. "I wonder what kind of force is using the uniform this man is wearing".mike thought. After so hours,they reached a river, commander crugger got down and brought out a remote, he pressed it and surprisedly the river splited in two. "Wooooooooah, I have seen crazy things but not like this one".
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The test (part two)
"come on mike,let go, before it's late". Erin said."Alright, good luck bro,see you in the base".mike said leaving with erin."Yeah bro,see you too".Noah replied."Come on, let's go."Noah's partner whose name is Justin said."Alright".Noah replied.They all went separate ways and to make things worst for them the rain began to fall cats and dogs.****************"Come on Erin,faster".mike said."It's just too hard to see in this goddamn heavy rain, can't see clearly". Erin replied.Rakkkkkkk..kkkkk"Is that your stomach mike."Erin asked"No, I thought it was you".mike replied."Wait if it is not you and me then what the fuck is growling" Erin asked.Rakk.kkkk.kk..Rakkk...kkk..kkk"The sound is coming close mike". Erin said."Say something,man" Erin snapped."Holy shit".mike said."What...what". Erin asked."Erin, slowly take three step forward and duck".mike replied."Don't tell me the creature is behind me".Erin said."Do you really want to hear my answer ".mike asked."No..oo"., E
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the necklace
"mike, come back".Noah shouted about to follow mike but jerdy pulled him by the collar."are you crazy,if you follow him, things will be twice as worst,let's just observe,if things goes wrong,only then we can act".jerdy said."i guess you are right".Noah agreed."hey you three fools".mike called."are you referring to us".the guy who took mike necklace whose name is Luca asked."yeah,fool".mike replied."hey,watch your tongue cuz if I were you I would be quiet,I won't want my tongue cut off". Drax warned."holy motherfucker,I thought so,I being thinking why he was so confident to open his dirty mouth at us, guys don't you remember him,this is the weak, stinky,hopeless fool we beat up back on earth".sky said.hearing what sky said mike head was flaming in anger."you gonna wish you never said that".mike mumbled."so now that you guys remember me,give me what is rightfully mine,pls and I promise you won't see me again pls".mike pleaded."hahaha,you are still funny,when are you gonna lea
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levelling up
"is this a dream,is he really gonna teach the skill".mike mumbled."sir are you really gonna teach me the three skills you just mentioned". mike asked."yes boy,you will need them in all your journey against the whole galaxy". squad leader James replied."I will give you the skill book that deals with the three skills immediately after I teach you the basics about the skills,the training is quite complicated but for a boy with a lot of confidence ,you should be able to survive". squad leader James explained."now let's start with the snake bite,the skill is a very venomous technique that can only be active when used on your opponent weak body spot,like the armpit,neck,spine and stomach,also the skill is a technique that can never be used out of anger or else you might kill or paralyze the person,to use the skill you must be in a perfect battle stance,if you opponent is about to strike pin him or her and strike with the snake bite.The second skill which is the lion fist some call it th
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chapter six(threat)
"what are you doing,you are not supposed to move".the soldier said pointing his gun at mike.mike turned back with the mask on his face."take the mask off".the soldiers ordered."no more talking, let's blast him".the third soldier said.why the guns, aren't you trained soldiers,use your combat skill am just one man".mike asked moving closer to the soldiers."let's take him down ".the soldier said sending a punch straight to mike,but mike dodged it and slapped him,the remaining two were coming for a strike but mike pined their arm and sent them in the air with two punch.the last soldier got up and was using his legs against mike but mike stayed in a perfect stance and took him down with a kick.arghhharghhharghhhhhhh the soldiers yelled in pain."he is gonna kill us".one of the soldiers said."what are you waiting for,kill us".the soldiers yelled."am....am sorry but am not your enemy".mike said helping the soldiers with a hand."so you are not gonna kill us".the soldiers asked"n
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chapter six(threat)
"what are you doing,you are not supposed to move".the soldier said pointing his gun at mike.mike turned back with the mask on his face."take the mask off".the soldiers ordered."no more talking, let's blast him".the third soldier said.why the guns, aren't you trained soldiers,use your combat skill am just one man".mike asked moving closer to the soldiers."let's take him down ".the soldier said sending a punch straight to mike,but mike dodged it and slapped him,the remaining two were coming for a strike but mike pined their arm and sent them in the air with two punch.the last soldier got up and was using his legs against mike but mike stayed in a perfect stance and took him down with a kick.arghhharghhharghhhhhhh the soldiers yelled in pain."he is gonna kill us".one of the soldiers said."what are you waiting for,kill us".the soldiers yelled."am....am sorry but am not your enemy".mike said helping the soldiers with a hand."so you are not gonna kill us".the soldiers asked"n
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chapter 7 (busted)
"Am gonna break your bones right now". xandre clenched his fist ready to trash mike,but Koda pulled him back."xandre,just let this pest be,you will zip this mosquito mouth tommorow at the sparring contest".Koda whispered."oh yeah,you are right bro,I will not waste my strength on a piece of sh*t like you,but bear in mind, tommorow won't be your lucky day,i will beat the life out of you".xandre whispered to mike ear and left."I be ready for you xandre".mike mumbled.*sign*"hey".a girl in military called."err,are you calling me".mike asked looking sideways."yeah,am calling you".the girl replied."am sorry but I don't know you".mike said."yeah,you don't".the girl agreed."then what's the matter".mike asked."nothing much,I just want to ask a question and please don't try to lie cuz it will only make you afraid of me".the girl replied."what kind of question does this girl want to ask, am I in trouble, what have I done".mike asking different question's in his head."okay,am listenin
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chapter 8(mission impossible)
"but sir,we are all far from ready".mike protested."I'm ready". xandre said proudly."don't you ever shut your mouth".mike snapped."stop it,you two,there is no other alternative choice ,the only way to leave the mission is to quit and by quitting it means you are out of the force and also back to the orphanage,I know you are all far from ready but you have no choice but to continue riding to reach your goal". squad leader paused."so make your choice now". squad leader said."mike,what should we do now,we can't give up".,Noah asked."Group a is ready sir!!!!".mike shouted."we are ready too".xandre shouted too."same here boss".Zack said."we can't give up,we are ready too".lorgan smiled."Good,you must all be ready when you face the crakas,they don't have feelings or emotions and they never show mercy". squad leader explained."But sir,we don't know how to strike them with a dagger,all we know is with a space gun".mike asked."killing them with a dagger is easy,all you have to know
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chapter 9(a soldier down)
"alright soldiers,I have just two advice for you, firstly, don't be too overconfident in yourself. secondly, always watch each other's backs when in battle,is that clear". squad leader James shouted. "sir,yes sir". they replied. "boss, landing in 10 seconds". the pilot said. "10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1..... landing".the pilot added. "good luck,my trainees". squad leader said. "okay,now fall out". squad leader added. "yes sir".they all chroused leaving the ship. "pilot ray,take us back to base". squad leader said. "yes,sir".ray replied. "now we must find some shelter,till we attack the crakas".mike suggested. "hey, you are not the boss of me".xandre said. "And how are we gonna find a shelter,we are in the middle of an enemy forest".xandre added. "let's just keep moving,we will find a shelter in the way".mike replied. "come on guys let's go".mike added. "stop giving us orders ". xandre shouted. "xandre,we are all here for a mission,so we must work together to survive ".Zack sa
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