8. The News Made My Emotions Rise

Back doing the same activity, Altares was currently working in his office. Within three months the company was well-known and even growing very rapidly. He still didn't expect that being in this future would be so easy even though he still had the help of the power he possessed.

The altar should be at home right now since he was back on a mission regarding the woman born with the sword's birthmark. But he left all that trust in Arga, while he was in office.

While working on his laptop, suddenly heard the sound of knocking on the door many times quickly. I don't know who bothered him.




"Hurry in!"

A woman wearing glasses enters the room. Seemingly frightened for disturbing Altares with the sound of the knock on the door he just made.

"Sorry sir I have disturbed you, my purpose came to show this to you," he said while handing over his cell phone.

Altares frowned at the employee's worried behavior what had his employee's cell phone been given to him for? But without f
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