Alec’s Fears

The message abruptly ended not giving Arran any time to process the rest of what was said.

Watching as his parent's image slowly disappeared, Arran felt stifled inside. Before this, he’d had a feeling that he had gotten closer to finding his parents, only to end up right where he started, being no closer to them than he first was. All he had ended up learning were things he could do nothing about now and a destiny he had no control over.

It all boiled down to Arran lacking strength — the strength to fight, the strength to resist, and the strength to change or affect his own destiny — arran lacked the strength to do any of these so even after learning all of this, there was nothing he could do about it at all.

Fortunately, things weren’t so bleak. While Arran couldn’t do anything now, he wasn’t required to do anything at all for now.

When the sky collapses, there will be people there to hold it up for Arran. All Arran had to do was rely on others to block the wind for him while he trai
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