The Hidden Swords

Jin Tae Kyung and Ragnars sat in a quiet room, after a tiring session of magic and rune training. They looked at each other with hopeful eyes, anticipating an intriguing conversation. Jin Tae Kyung was eagerly waiting for answers to his captivating question.

"Ragnars, I'm really curious to know what sets apart a low-ranking warrior from a mid-ranking warrior," Jin Tae Kyung finally initiated the conversation. "What makes the difference?"

Ragnars smiled wisely and gazed at Jin Tae Kyung with meaningful eyes. "The main difference, Jin Tae Kyung, lies in the power bestowed by the Gods," he answered with a melodious voice.

Jin Tae Kyung nodded, though his curiosity was not completely satisfied. "But, are there more specific differences? What makes them stronger?"

Ragnars chuckled softly. "Ah, Jin Tae Kyung, you always want to know everything," he said, tidying his thick beard.

"However, I cannot give you the answers you seek. Knowing in detail about the strength of high-ranking warriors c
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