Nightmare I

The cobbled streets were empty, lit dimly by makeshift streetlights put up by the locals. A cold wind swept through, carrying leaves from the nearby cemetery. It rustled through benches and cars, making a whistling sound on the tarred road.

Trailing behind this spectral breeze was a demon, standing upright on two feet- a hideous imitation of a man. Its eyes were like sandpaper, and its skin bore the scars of some otherworldly fire. The streetlights flickered in a feeble protest as it passed, a couple of them exploding in a burst of sparks when the creature stopped in the middle of the road.

It surveyed the row of houses in what seemed to be a peaceful neighbourhood, locking its gaze on a window with the lights on. It approached the chosen household, emitting an ominous hum that resonated through the air.

The hum had a rusty sound to it, like an old song. Stomping onto the porch, its bony fingers extended towards the lock, seamlessly slipping through and turning it with a mysterious gr
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