100. Collecting Debts

‘The Blind helper committed these crimes all by her…’

‘I said I do not die alone!’ she repeated as she nodded in Samantha’s direction.

He stared at the Finch, his eyes still consumed in black.

‘This city owes me that girl,’ the Finch said.

‘How so?’ he asked.

‘Ask the proud daddy,’ she said, falling on her knees at the same time.

Samantha’s mother looked at her husband. ‘What is she talking about, honey?’

‘It’s a lie! Don’t believe her!’ A man within the multitude shouted.

‘It’s true,’ Samantha’s father confessed, bowing his head and releasing his hands from Samantha’s shoulders.

The multitude began to quiet down.

‘Baby, I’m really sorry. I’ve always wanted to tell you but…’

He was slapped hard on the cheek by his wife. Tears were in her eyes and Samantha
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