211: Old Adversary

Cameras clicked discreetly as reporters positioned themselves to capture the grand entrance of Lord Z.

They exchanged excited glances, knowing that this unexpected appearance would make for a compelling story.

Zayn's mind raced with questions, his brows furrowing as he contemplated what the man was saying.

"Why would he want Lord Z to make an appearance at this auction? What could be the purpose behind it?" he pondered silently.

The room fell into a hush, all eyes fixated on the stage. The anticipation grew palpable, the air heavy with expectation. Reporters adjusted their lenses, eager to capture the moment when Lord Z would step into the spotlight.

However, much to the guests' surprise and disappointment, no one rose from their seats. Confusion washed over the attendees, their faces portraying a mixture of bewilderment and frustration.

"What's going on? Is this some kind of a ruse?" murmured a guest, his voice laced with suspicion.

The man on stage, undeterred by the crowd's react
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