47. Is Luna dead?

|•|Kayla's point of view|•|

I flinched my eyes opened all of a sudden and I immediately struggled to sit uprightly.

I looked around and I don't have a single idea of where I was.

" This room looks very strange and scary" I said silently still looking around.

It was so strange that I couldn't explain its structural settings and design, it looks like a demon's room.

But wait! How did I get here?

I checked my self and I confirmed I was unharmed and I was still putting on same gown.

I strained my brain trying to recall how I got here and where I was , I clasped my head so tight as everything came in a rush.

Yes! I remembered every single thing that happened.

I remember how that unknown man transformed into a sand, how the helpless lady transformed into her real self, how I was dragged from luna, how Luna tried to fight but was stabbed.

" Luna!" I called out as tears brimmed at the corner of my eyes as my fear increased.

Was I captured?

" Nothing must ever happen to Luna because he
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