Chapter TwentyFive

Luke’s P.O.V

  “Just chatting amongst myself,” I replied.

  “You’re weird,” He commented with his face skewered at his opinion of me, I Shrugged ignoring him.

  “Hey, mister wanna buy a newspaper?” He asked as he held it toward me.

  “No, thanks,” I said starting to walk away.

  “Awe come on, I need to make money for some food for my sisters.” the small boy said in despair.

  I stopped in my tracks as I had a sudden memory about how awful it was being back on those streets of mudhaven panning and pickpocketing for hours just to get enough money for a slice of bread.

  I took a breath as I effortlessly put my hands in my pockets looking for a change, knowing I had none, and instead of an empty pocket, I found coins in place.

  I was shocked, where did all this money come from?

  I gave him five dollars, and he passed me a newspaper and went in his change hat, and started picking up change.

  “Keep the change kid,” I said walking away.

  “A-are you sure?” He called after me.

  “You need
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