Chapter TwentyFour

Margons' P.O.V

  I stood over the hills of the town of Playtom, you could smell the food and beer from here.

  My eye socket encrusted with blood, the one who stole my concubine will be killed and slaughtered.

  I could smell the magic in the air, the lust of killing was also quite strong.

  "Little concubine I can smell you from here, did you really think that it was over?" I mumbled under my breath.

  "Sir we have news," Garofalo stated.

  "Well what is it?" I demanded.

  "Sir we have gotten news that King Arthur has been reincarnated and he may or may not be located here." He explained.

  "That's ridiculous, King Arthur's been dead for over a milionia and reincarnation is a myth." I stated.

  "We know that sir but he's been seen here." Garofalo stated once more.

  "Then I reckon we must move quickly." I say loud enough for my group to hear me.

  "Yes sir!" They exclaimed.

A knights P.O.V

  "I think we went the wrong way," Galaine insisted.

  "Why do you suppose that?" I question
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