CHAPTER IV ( pt 21 ) ( CARCER II )

Part 21 : CARCER II

Will's life in prison was a stark departure from the world he had known. Confined within the prison walls, his days were structured, regimented, and marked by the challenges and routines inherent to life behind bars.

The first taste of prison life came with the initial shock of the environment. The heavy metal doors, the echoing sounds, and the cold, sterile surroundings served as constant reminders of the loss of freedom. Will's senses were overwhelmed as he adjusted to the new reality and the unique dynamics of the prison community.

Within the prison, the passage of time was demarcated by strict routines. Will would wake up early to the sound of alarms, signaling the start of the day. He had a limited amount of time for personal activities such as showering and getting ready before being herded into the communal dining area for breakfast. Meals were served at set times, and th

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