Continuing the Journey Without Geldrick

Aaron felt heavy-hearted as he continued his journey alone. He missed his best friend, Geldrick, who had accompanied him every step of the way. Aaron reflected and prayed for his friend who had passed away. He also promised to complete their mission successfully to honor his friend's struggle and sacrifice.

Aaron's journey continued slowly as he felt lonely without his best friend. He continued to walk with a heavy heart and a deep sense of sadness. However, he kept Geldrick's last message in mind and remained focused on their goal.

After a few days of walking, Aaron arrived at a beautiful small town. He decided to stop for a while to gather his strength and replenish his food and water supplies. Aaron also decided to seek information on the whereabouts of the bandit group that was the target of his mission.

Aaron asks around the town and eventually gets information from a local merchant about the whereabouts of the bandit group known as "The Black Hand". He got information about thei
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