Everyday is a war
"Did you...hear her?" Holding the glass of champagne in his hand, Dane turned to the sound of her. She looked normal, but her heart was thudding out of her chest. Walking into his embrace as they view the ocean, breathing its mist, Athena waits for his response.

"I did. I am not shaken. This doesn't feel like new information for me. That power...it seemed alien in many ways." Explained he.

"I see. Even I couldn't..."

"Don't think about it, Athena. It's going to keep killing you until you finally realize how worthless you are."

"You are forcing me to think about the same, Dane. Thank you for the word, too. Worthless." Athena scoffed.

"But...don't you think we should start investigating?"

"How would we do that if we can't even track where it has come from? The monster wouldn't open it's mouth even by a bit. It's...resisting every torture method, healing at the speed of light. No drugs work on it either because it isn't from earth. There are several earth element users who kept it locke
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