It's Hell(4)

"Oh fu*k!!!", Aryan shouted

"What happened?... Don't tell me you were the one who..?", Vulcan asked in a worried tone

"Yes... but no one saw me do it, I cleared the witnesses", Aryan stated with nervousness on his face

"You dumb kid, there are expensive artifacts that can tell the murderer!!", Vulcan exclaimed

"For now come with me, I will keep you safe", Vulcan stated while keeping his hand on his forehead

Vulcan takes Aryan to a room in the smithy where old equipments were stored and told him to not come out for at least a year and that he would give him the necessities every day.

Aryan sighed but he had to do it or else he would surely end up dead. He started living in that tiny room, he organised his room as he couldn't live where insects would call around and swords would be hanging above him while he was sleeping.

After a few days, Aryan was bored as he couldn't do anything new, he couldn't kill, practice or anything. So he decided to make a second circle. The day after he told
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