ch18 Temptation

-Jack's pov:-

Our tactic was coming along pretty well.

We had been going the right route and we weren't found yet.

At least I thought so.

I heard faint shouting coming from a big distance. It was too far to make up what was yelled.

And I didn't really recognize the voice immediately so I didn't really have a clue whether to trust it or not.

I was in the front of the chain so I stopped for a moment.

Walter immediately shook his head knowing why I stopped.

But footsteps approached. A figure ran closer to us but stopped for a second.

It started running towards Walter and hugged him tightly.

Then it finally hit me.

"Warren!" Walter he yelled happily as he hugged him back.

"I've been so worried where were you?!"

"I'm fine." Warren replied softly. "I'm fine."

How did he get here? How did Warren find us and where was the rest of the group.

"Warren, don't ever do this to me again please, I've missed you so, so much."

"I won't Walter, I won't." He promised.

I gestured towards Elijah we sho
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