
As the morning sun, playful and mischievous, filtered through the knotted canopy overhead, it cast dramatic shadows that danced across the forest floor, a mesmerizing display that could send even the boldest squirrel scurrying back to its nest.

Amidst this verdant spectacle, a carriage glided through the ancient woods, its opulent exterior, a luxurious blend of crimson and gold, gleaming defiantly against the backdrop of emerald hues.

It rolled along with an air of regal pomp, as if on its way to crown a king, not traversing a mere woodland path.

The magnificent steeds pulling the carriage were a sight to behold, their powerful muscles rippling beneath sleek coats as they surged forward with unwavering determination. Each hoofbeat echoed through the forest, a rhythmic symphony of strength and grace.

Guiding the carriage with the seasoned finesse of a master navigator was an aged rider, his understanding of the terrain evident in every deft maneuver. He navigated the labyrinthine paths with practiced ease, his confidence unwavering even when faced with dense foliage and twisting trails.

Inside, draped in silken finery adorned with glinting gold chains, two young men sat opposite each other, their striking good looks adding to the regal atmosphere. One, with long, flowing emerald hair, looked at his companion, his face etched with concern. "Still no memories, then?" he inquired, his eyes, like polished emeralds, shimmering with curiosity.

I let out a frustrated sigh, clicking my tongue in annoyance. Uren Masel, a being half-human, half-elf, had been pestering me with the same question every ten minutes, his emerald eyes boring into me, searching for an answer I simply couldn't provide.

His youthful face, a stark contrast to his elven ears, seemed to plead with me, but I wouldn't budge. As I met his gaze, I couldn't help but notice the delicate features that gave him an ethereal air, almost otherworldly.

His elven ears, a testament to his heritage, contrasted sharply with his lean physique, far more toned than mine. Despite my annoyance, a pang of envy flickered within me.

However, no amount of envy could sway me. "How many times do I have to say it? I just don't remember. And why would I ask for your help if I did?" I grumbled, my voice laced with irritation, masking the turmoil brewing beneath.

Uren was Leo's only friend, and we were currently en route to the library. I, well, the current inhabitant of Leo's body, had plans to delve into the world's knowledge this morning.

After all, something gnawed at me, whispering that it would be crucial. My schedule was meticulous, packed with tasks for the day. But fate, that fickle mistress, had intervened in the form of this persistent elf who had barged into my room demanding answers about my miraculous recovery from a coma.

Initially, I was livid. But as I looked into his eyes, I saw a flicker of kindness, a genuine concern that piqued my curiosity.

Why not manipulate this naive lad to learn what I needed? He had shown up promptly, and I desperately needed to unravel the events that had transpired before my memories vanished. Everyone else, particularly Anna, remained frustratingly tight-lipped.

But now, just being around him filled me with an unsettling unease. There was something about him, an aura I couldn't quite decipher. As we journeyed in the opulent carriage, Uren continued his relentless queries, each one chipping away at my patience. Yet, I knew I had to maintain composure if I wanted to uncover the truth.

"Alright, alright," I sighed dramatically, channeling my inner villain with practiced flair. "From the beginning, elf boy, spill the beans!"

His mood brightened visibly, like a wilting flower after a refreshing downpour. "Well," he began, his eyes glazing over as if lost in a daydream, "it all started a month ago. You, inexplicably, invited me to the library. Quite strange, considering your usual haunts involved more feathers and flirtatious pursuits…"

"Ouch," I muttered under my breath, picturing myself as the nefarious villain.

Ha! That's it, isn't it? The perfect recipe for a villain: a dash of family drama, a dollop of isolation, a sprinkle of self-destructive tendencies, and a heaping helping of pure, unadulterated hatred for the world. Mix it all together, and voila! Your instant is ready to be served.

"But then I found out Camelia was there too," he continued, sounding lost in thought.

Bingo! Heroine spotted, albeit much earlier than anticipated. This villain's origin story needed serious pacing adjustments. Too much introspection, not enough world domination. And where the hell is the epic hatred for humanity?! This guy was softer than a marshmallow in a dragon's den. With that kind of temperament, he was destined for an early demise.

"And then," Uren's voice dropped to a dramatic whisper, "rumors flew that you…molested her!" His eyes widened comically, clearly expecting a reaction.

I choked on my own spit. "Molested? Me? The most misunderstood villain-to-be in the kingdom?"


"Yes. The viscount was furious," Uren explained, gesturing wildly. "To avoid war, Duke Clause issued a warrant, and a bounty was placed on your head. But you vanished, poof! Like a particularly skilled escape artist…or a particularly forgetful one."

"Wait, what?" I sputtered, confusion replacing anger.

"Yeah, no one could find you," he shrugged, mirroring my bewilderment. "Then, a few weeks later, the mages treating Camelia discovered traces of dark magic used on her. Turns out, she was brainwashed, and you were innocent all along!"

My jaw dropped further than a goblin at a gold-filled cave. Innocent? This isn't the script of villains I remember. Where the heck's the dramatic escape, the epic training montage, the brooding soliloquies about the injustices of the world?! I was left with amnesia and a confused elf, talk about an awesome reincarnation!

 "So…how was i found?"

"You weren't found," Uren said, popping the 'p'. "You just…appeared on your own. Looking half-dead."

"Appeared?" I echoed, feeling the wrongness in it all.

"Yup," he confirmed. "and bam! Here we are, amnesia."

"Fuck!" This is SOOO Not the script AT ALL! 

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