Chapter 32: The journey past Nepel

The princess may know how to ride a horse from her days back in the capital when she was still in training, however a carriage is outside her realm of expertise. 

‘It can’t be too different from a horse, right?’ She thought, using the reins to try and command the horses forward. 

The reins hit the horses’ backs and they began to march forth leisurely, walking away from the stable grounds and towards the streets. 

“It’s not that hard, I guess... I did see others do it too, before when I rode on a carriage with them.” Elyenora mumbled to herself, feeling a bit proud to have taken up the role of carriage coachman so quickly. 

She had the horses move through the streets mostly on instinct, there were a few close calls where she nearly had them go off course or almost made them rush forward, but she thankfully didn’t even notice the blunders nor committed fully to them. 

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