"We sponsor your group, lad!"

Damien had decided to take a stroll and then returned. When he opened the door and stepped in. The atmosphere was stuffy, and everyone seemed bothered.

He didn't want to take guesses of what could possibly have happened. He walked to join them.

Settling down,

"Forgive me for joining you quite late, I was trying to put things together."

Damien said, looking from one man to the other. But then he realised that none of the men was really paying attention to him.

Each man was busy staring at the screen of his phone. When he couldn't keep ignoring the odds anymore,

"What is the matter? Why does everyone look so jumpy and worried?"

If none of the men answered his questions, he wouldn't be mad at them. Neither would he be surprised. They were men of a high calibre and should be able to fit the context perfectly.

Men like that would hide behind unnecessary events just to shield their worries and dark times.

"We won't bother you with things like this."

One of the men said. He was sweating
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