Chapter 143

Artemis had a choice, to turn back to people who didn't care about or to trust a man who tried to kill her. She had school to go to, she didn't care about school but she didn't care for ninjitsu and such either but considering how much Ghost could teach her about her company, how she could run it. She was bitter, he asked Ghost to kill her. Why would he do such a thing? Unless he asked Ghost to take her in his family's place like some sacrificial lamb.

She brushed her eyes, she couldn't trust anyone. Ghost was tenacious, why didn't he just kill Maks on the spot, he could have easily overpowered him, why was he bent on letting him live? Not that she had anything against his family but could she truly trust a guy who even tried to slaughter Jessica? Heck no.

Ghost opened a case in front of her. He had eyes at the back of his head. He was chanced with killing him but pitting a friend against him. The second choice was better or at least it put him out of course. It was best to leave
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