Chapter 144

Artemis swallowed. "I'm going with the second pill." She took the second option and Ghost smiled. She met a few trainees in the dim room fighting and she found them training with weapons. A guy fell over bloodied and she trembled. This was the choice she made, she was not looking back.


Francis trembled on his bed. He scraped at the sides of his bed and his gums were aching. His teeth stretched into fangs, his stomach growled and he tossed and turned on his bed. He had a dream about the chupacabra biting him repeatedly and he didn't like why his senses were tingling especially the sense of smell.

He also had a dream of consuming an animal so rabidly that its blood splashed on him.


"Ah!" He saw blood smeared on his shirt. "Oh my god_"

"Sam!" His father Moses Flair the Mayor entered and he straightened. He changed into a band t-shirt so fast. Moses wondered what happened.

"Are you okay?"

Francis was as pale as death. He nodded struggling not to have a panic attack because
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