Chapter 23: Hayden rescued the village boy

The next morning, Raymond discovered that his mouth organs was gone from his bag.

He looked in every location he could think of like a mad man, but he came up empty-handed, and this caused him to feel a great deal of disappointment.

It brought him joy to play the mouth organ, but afterward he had nothing to do in pleasing himself.

He had absolutely no comprehension of what had occurred to his mouth organ at all. And after that, what was it that he did to kill time?

Raymond had reached an all-time low in his mood.

Hayden found out about the missing mouth organ, through his wife after getting back from daily rituals from the river bed.

Even at that time, he felt bad for Hayden and urged members of his family to keep this information to themselves and make sure that it did not get out among the four of us in any manner.

Despite the fact that Raymond was not pleased in the least with the decision that his father made at that moment, he was unable to continue to oppose the decision any lo
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