Chapter 22. First challenge
Emily erred in her assumption that the process of eggs hatching would result in the production of hatchlings. As a matter of fact, it was manufacturing scraps of paper in a variety of colours. And in what seemed like no time at all, it began to rain chits.

She cried with the intention of drawing the attention of a member of his family to the nest that was packed with chits.

They all dashed in the direction of the nest, which was still releasing chits in a variety of colours with curiosity. At first, they all were confused about which colour of the scrap of paper they should select.

Emily held the hand of Raymond when he was to pick the chit randomly. She guided him that choosing something at random might put them in a precarious situation.

Subsequently, then she exercised her brain and recalled that each colour was associated with a certain meaning. Therefore she should be very careful about picking the one among them. Emily stated that the colour red is representative of risk.

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