Everybody at the table stared at the two boys, waiting for them to say the identity of the person who sent them.

“It was Jackson the son of Baron Steven that sent us.” The other boy said proudly, as if proud of the fact that he was a lackey.

“Do you guys know any Jackson in the academy,” Peter asked the people around the table since he has no idea who the person was. Jude was the same as him but he knew who Baron Steven was.

He was the baron in charge of a big city in the east close to the border between Gales and Green land. He was a wealthy merchant and his merchant group was spread across the kingdom even into other lands.

“I think I know who Jackson is,” joy said. “he is a fourth circle mage in the tower and I have seen Samuels group with him before.” She said after thinking for a while.

“Since you know who ask for you now, can you come with us?” The other boy who had not spoken anything said.

“Sorry go back and tell Jackson that we having dinner with our friends and cannot leave
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