Repeated Nightmares - Part.1


-In 2021-

No more power to continue his footsteps. Her vision is getting blurry. The increasingly claustrophobic breath prevented Karina from standing up, until she finally fell sitting on the dirt road in a completely unbiased rain. Her body began to numb slowly.

"Hi kid, are you okay?" said a person holding both shoulders who almost collapsed.

Two men wearing police suits went to her.

"Are you all right?" he asked back in a worried tone.

Karina, who had begun to lose consciousness, could not hear the words of the police who tried to wake her up. All her eyes darkened, and only faint voices were heard, Karina felt her body lifted and she could only surrender.

"You bring her back, and immediately take him to the hospital. I will continue to look for them !!!" said one of the older police officers compared to the police who now carry Karina on his back.

The intense scent and the cold seemed to make her body feel frozen. With an opaque look, Karina tries to open her eyes. The plain white ceiling he first saw. The pain that pierced her hand, turned out to be an infusion needle stuck there. With the rest of the force trying to get up from the sleeping position and looking around who seemed so busy.

Trying to trace her memory back, why he got to the hospital. It's in the emergency room, which looks pretty crowded with patients who come in with ambulances. The young cop who's talking to the Doctor. Karina's eyes both saw a policeman walking towards her after talking to a Doctor within a few meters of her position.

"You're awake, are you fine? Does anyone feel sick?" he asked kindly but firmly, probably because he's a police officer. It feels a little weird talking to the police.

"Yes, I'm fine," Karina replied.

"You passed out because of dehydration earlier. Are you hungry?" he asked, constantly changing his tone as if treating Karina like a 10-year-old child.

"I'm not hun—"

Kluruk … kluruk …

Oh, Shit!

Karina has not had time to continue her words, but her stomach is faster than her mouth. This is so embarrassing.

"You wait here, or can you give me your parents' number?" he asked.

"I don't have any parents," Karina said.

"Don't lie. Your mother is on her way," he said, shaking his head in wonder with school children who are always looking for reasons not to deal with their parents. "I'm going for a while, to find food for you. Don't go anywhere!" he said firmly.

"Yeah, yes."

The cop left him. Shit, it'll be complicated if you come. Why she had to faint, it was so troublesome. Soon a nurse approached her.

"How are you? Is anyone dizzy or nauseous?" she asked while checking the infection.


"You can go home after the infusion has run out. If your guardian has come, immediately take care of the administration," she explained.

"Yes, thank you."

While giving Karina a black plastic bag. "This is your wet clothes," he said, who then walked away leaving Karina alone.

Trying to lie back in bed to recharge her batteries, Karina is stuck in her mind. Trying to empty his mind of herself could be a lot quieter. However, a small memory crossed her mind. Long before she was unconscious, he called the police because the road she took was used for frequent student brawls. It made her have to find a way around and take a long time to get home.

After contacting the police, it suddenly rained hard. I don't know what's happening to those brawling students. Maybe the cop who helped her was the one who was sent to deal with the brawl. Damn it. It's none of his business anyway, Karina thinks.


Karina's eyes were opened to her mother's voice — shocked.

"Karina! What happened? Are you okay?" asked Mother who had stood in front of her with a panicked face. Karina was stunned to see her mother's shabby condition. Her clothes were wet with rain, his hair was messy, and she didn't even realize she was wrong to wear sandals. The guilt of having her mother forced him to come while she was also busy trading. What a useless kid.

"Why did you faint? I was surprised when I called a man's voice, it turned out to be the police. I thought you had an accident. You're okay, right? Why is your face so pale? Why is your hair so wet? Why? " Said the mother who did not stop talking while groping her whole body needed her child to make sure no one was damaged or seriously injured.

"I fell earlier. It's okay. It's just not feeling well that it's raining again, now I'm better. I'm fine, mom ...," said Karina, who was forced to lie to her mother.

Her mother sat limp with a sigh of relief because she saw no serious injuries to her only daughter. "Here's your shirt. The police said you were all wet, so I bought it," he said with a small bag containing clean clothes to Karina who immediately took it.

"I'm going to take care of your administration first, okay," she said as she walked away leaving Karina.

After all, the infused needle was removed a few minutes ago. Karina and her mother walked home after taking care of a large number of administrative expenses. Although it is not enough for the cost of daily meals, it is not enough, but because of her, he has reduced his savings. Just a few steps away, suddenly a policeman who helps Karina comes to her.

"Are you going home?" he asked.

"Yes, sir. I'm so thank you, thank you very much for helping her, sir. Thank you." said the mother, who was a little overrated as if there was no pride in her making Karina upset with the mother's attitude that was always humble in front of others as if she had committed a great sin.

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