Chapter 11 Con Artists
‘Well, this is a mess…’

Evidently, the con artists had him cornered and were basically forcing him to offer money. However, Zeke wasn’t going to comply, not after getting the Paths of Extinction System. The purpose of his newly-acquired powers was for situations like these.

His family might not be comparable to that of Julia’s, for example. Additionally, neither his parents liked nor he liked them, and that caused an uncrossable rift between them, and to make matters worse, the money they would regularly send was enough to cover basic necessities, no more.

Zeke did not have the money to pay for their unreasonable ‘compensation’, neither was he inclined to do so even if it weren’t the case. Whether it was bullying or a case like this, Zeke vehemently refused to be pushed around.

So, when the baldy shook his body, Zeke retaliated by pushing him to the back. His physique notwithstanding, he had enough strength to overpower an average student in Erys, so a common thug wasn’t a problem.

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