I'm in a game world!

"There was only one shield lying outside", As the goblins were not very intelligent, this goblin went back into the room without giving much importance to the shield."

Meanwhile, Eris was running out of the cave and towards the forest in fear, clutching the sword tightly in one hand. His chest still trembled with fear, and he stumbled and fell to the ground. Eris thought that he would die today, 24 hours before he was due to be reborn. That's when he remembered his own ability. Before leaving the goblin room, Eris used his muscle enchantment ability to strengthen all the muscles in his body, enabling him to throw the shield and run towards the jungle. After a while, he had escaped the danger.

Using his muscle enchantment ability to run continuously, Eris eventually stopped far away from the cave and leaned against a tree. He began to breathe heavily, and his stamina had been greatly reduced by using the ability.

"This ability works," Eris said to himself. "But because my physical stre
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