The knocking sound cut Helena’s thoughts, she turns her gaze towards Nora and saw that Nora was already walking towards the door to check who was behind the door. After Nora arrived in front of the door, she asked.

“Who is it?”

Helena could not hear the reply, since the door was a distance away from her bed. But after Nora opens the door, Helena noticed that the person behind the door wore a maid’s uniform.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen any other maid other than Nora… well having one maid has its perks, I don’t have to be cautious all the time knowing that I am surrounded by different women when I don’t know what their intentions are.”


Helena noticed Nora close the door after she had finished talking to the maid.

“Well… guess they are done,”

Helena said in her mind. As she turns her gaze toward Nora, she noticed a piece of paper in Nora’s hands as she walks closer.

Helena became curious about what the content of the letter was, and as soon as Nora got clos
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