Time For Round 2?
The news of reinforcements reaching Jax’s camp spread quickly throughout the human army after Jordan shared the information with his superior Commander King Escobar.

And Escobar then informed the other Commanders, who discussed it with General Jessie, but Jessie simply smiled at the information, finally realizing why Jax had been delaying the attack all this while.

To their surprise, Jessie did not display any anger towards Jax, The Commanders soon came to the conclusion that the dramatic confrontation they had expected between Jax and Jessie was not going to happen.

Jordan who had seen the mini giants had reported that the new warriors appeared incredibly fierce, and it was amusing to all the commanders as they were unaware of when Jax had sent out a message bird requesting reinforcements from his kingdom.

While they all had the option to request reinforcements, none of the Commanders ruled kingdoms nearby.

It would take a significant amount of time for reinforcement armies to ar
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