Business Ventures

Sunlight filtered through the inn's windows, casting a gentle morning glow that coaxed me from my restful slumber. Another day in Aldoria had begun, full of the promise of new experiences. The aroma of a hearty breakfast wafted through the air, intertwining with my contemplations about the road ahead, filled with hopes of new ventures and the prospect of establishing a life in this enchanting world.

"My house will be ready for me in two days. I'm so excited; I could hardly sleep last night," I mused. As I stood up and stretched, a realization dawned on me - my wallet felt surprisingly light. It was clear I needed to find a way to make money soon, to cover the costs of sustenance and firewood.

The idea of visiting the Merchants Guild came to mind. While the Adventurers Guild was an option for income, I felt the need for another avenue. Selling soap, as I had initially planned, was still on my mind. However, it required a significant amount of lye for mass production, and natural lye pr
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