RADS 97. The Tower

The morning sun cast long shadows across the plaza before the towering structure, Sam and Lyra joined the gathering crowd, their gazes fixed upon the colossal Wizard Tower that loomed above them. The air buzzed with anticipation and whispers as challengers lined up to register for the perilous ascent.

Sam stood in line, watching the flurry of activity around him. The Wizard Tower, an ancient enigma intertwined with the fabric of Aethereon, drew the curious and the bold alike.

Lyra, beside Sam, voiced her concern. "Are you sure about this, Sam?"

"It's fine, Lyra," Sam replied, his voice tinged with excitement. "They say most people can reach at least the sixth floor."

Lyra nodded, her expression a mixture of worry and determination. "If something goes wrong, promise me you won't push yourself too hard."

"Alright," Sam replied with a lazy smile, though his eyes betrayed his eagerness.

In the ancient annals of Aethereon, the Wizard Tower stands as a timeless testament to the mysteries of
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