
"You can go if you want to," Zhi Ruo drawled, her mask was illuminated with whatever light that was at the arena." No one is really stopping you here." She said, the people that was cleaning the blood and grime off the arena was slowly retreating now. It seems like they were done.

Huang Yanyuan pursed his lips upon hearing Zhi Ruo's reply. He found that she was right, and no one was really truly keeping him back. The only reason that he was staying back was because he found it weird that he would go out by himself when everyone around him seemed like they were fine sitting down.

Seeing that Huang Yanyuan was staying silent, Ravel took this chance to pull out some lamp and lit it up quietly. The light from the lamp engulfed the entire podium, and everyone casted a glance towards Ravel's direction. They were unperturbed by the light, they merely took this chance to relax for a while.

"No, I'd just stay here with you guys after all." The man assented, he glanced at his torn up robes and
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