Chapter 47- Status; abilities

Arriving at his study, he sat down with the file as he went through it.

"Has everything been settled?"

"Yes Master, we have also started preparing for the competition. You would also need to check on the smart brain"

"True" he answered while still going through the documents.

"How are the improvements?"

Reynold answered by flipping to the page where it was written.

"Alright, you can go. I will come later to have a look."

Reynold nodded and left the study.

Flynn made rhythmic sound as his nails hit the handle of the chair at regular intervals.

"Sigh, let me take a nap, when I wake up I will deal with the rest"

Flynn stood up, making his way to his room.

It was okay if he did not sleep but he had to meet his mother in his best condition, no kidding.

He also had to digest his gains for today.


Waking up from his beautiful sleep, the first thing he did was to check his status.

Noticing that his level had increased a lot, deducting the exp he had gotten from the expedition, the
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