Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System

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Reincarnated in another world with a Gunsmithing System

By: Ashdenroth Updated just nowFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 219 views: 4.4K

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In a world where guns and magic coexist, Ezra Romanov is born with an E-level magic talent and aims to become an Ace Gunner one day. However, all his dreams are dashed to pieces when a terrible accident cripples his hands, making it impossible for him to shoot properly. The child prodigy soon becomes an object of ridicule and even his fiancé threatens to break off their engagement. But just when all things seem bleak and hopeless, a mysterious eye becomes bound to his hand, giving him access to a magical gunsmithing system which allows him to craft and modify enchanted weapons. With his newly acquired system Ezra embarks on a journey to rise to the top and become the best Gunner on the continent. [Legendary Cursed Eye Awakened!] [Gunsmithing Talent Unlocked!] [Gunsmithing Level: F!]

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  • Mina Deleon


    It’s a great story and well written

    2024-06-07 10:12:28
  • smarajit roy


    Very well written so far. The story is crafted nicely and the story teller built the charecter of Ezra too attractive. Confidence upon this main character slowly but surely grows up about his ability to ultimately destroy the enemies and become the winner.

    2024-02-21 00:16:59
  • Ashdenroth


    Author's honest review : This book blends classic steampunk fiction with fantasy. Dive into a world of guns and magic where technology combines with mystical elements to create a unique combination. A must read for readers who enjoy complex characters, massive open worlds, duels and monster hunts.

    2024-02-19 14:18:44
  • Shreshtha Chakraborty


    Hooked from the first chapter, Author's writing style is commendable. Definitely added to my reading list and I would love to see this book shine and grow. All the best to Author-san... keep going......

    2024-02-19 00:28:51
  • Humming Byrd


    Fascinating book...

    2024-02-18 16:44:07
  • Suprita Roy


    amazing book and a catchy writing ...

    2024-02-18 03:11:03
  • Suprita Roy


    The world building is definitely unique...and the characters are really interesting and have so much depth in them. Its going to be a real struggle for our hero to prove himself... really looking forward to his journey. Amazing writing.

    2024-02-18 03:09:12
  • Gilimo Mmboga


    I like the storyline and the author's writing style, can't wait to read more!

    2024-02-14 22:31:32
  • Arch.Aengela


    Good world building. I was sad for Ezra and curious too to know the next. Keep writing, Author!

    2024-02-11 18:46:18
  • Dragon Sly


    This is cool to read. oh dear Ezra let's see what happens.

    2024-02-19 18:07:21
  • Royalmary23💜


    Welcome to Meganovel. Wishing you more readers, keep updating!!√√

    2024-02-18 17:06:21
Latest Chapter
219 chapters
A gifted cripple
Azure crystal lamps flickered in the distance, hovering overhead like curious fireflies as a throng of impatient onlookers watched on. In the middle of a circular training arena, a young boy with a frown on his face tightened his trembling grip on a smoking revolver. He looked lean and weak and his cheeks were flushed like dying roses. Despite wearing a furry red cloak over his jacket, he could feel the biting cold wind chilling his bones as it swept the arena from the east. A spectral white wolf flickered behind him like an enormous shadow. It loomed over his head for a few seconds before dissipating into thin air. “Get lost, you pathetic cripple!” “Enough of this shit show!” “He’s just a useless loser!” The disappointed booing from the flock of eager onlookers pierced his chest amidst shouts of mockery. And it was all due to his failure to hit the floating targets. "Magic talent level E, magic power: 29%!" a loud voice sounded as if taunting him. "Shooting score 2/10, missed
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A pointless reincarnation
Ezra lay awake all night, unable to get his failure during the testing out of his head. Every single time he tried to sleep, he heard those mocking voices and the cackling faces flashed before his eyes. Recalling all the humiliation and mockery only made him more anxious and uneasy. He tossed and turned in his bed, cursing his fate. He could have never imagined the prospect of his bright future would be snatched away by one freak accident. “What good is this reincarnation if I am destined to live and die as a cripple?” Ezra questioned as he sat up straight on his bed and threw off his quilt. In his previous life, Ezra had been a young schoolboy whose grades were consistently low and who was as athletic as a lazy mule. However, he had always been a good friend to the ones he valued, and would always help those in need even if it was at his own expense. Ezra faintly recalled his past life, and the scene of his death only flashed in his mind in blurry fragments. He remembered getting
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Guests from afar
The appearance of a human eye on someone’s hand was a shocking phenomenon even in this magical world. Ezra looked shell-shocked by the incident. “What the hell is this?” he gasped, grabbing his trembling right hand with his left. The eye that had suddenly popped open had a pale blue iris and coral-red blood vessels, which darkened as it throbbed spasmodically. Ezra could feel a sharp pain in his hand, but he gritted his teeth to suppress his urge to scream. People around him already treated him like a freak, and he did not want to attract any more attention to himself. Keeping his calm, Ezra walked up to his study table and got hold of a compass. Curling his fingers around its cold, steely legs, he prepared to pierce the eye. But just as he was about to stab his hand, the eye disappeared. Beads of cold sweat rolled down Ezra’s neck as he looked at his hand. Dropping the compass, he brought his right hand close to his face. The eye was no longer there, and his hand had stopped hur
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A deal only a madman would refuse
Lord Sebastian was absolutely furious to hear the Elder’s proposal, but he knew he didn’t have the strongest cards to play. A freak accident had reduced his gifted son into a cripple, and his middle child wasn’t the most responsible man. The Elder was quick to notice the missing family member and grinned slightly. Looking around with a discerning air, he spoke in a tone expressing mock concern. “I see Sir Ramel isn’t here. I had heard many great things about him. Wasn’t he anointed as an honorary knight last year?” “I believe it was for winning a tournament, not fighting a war,” Lady Lillian sniped. Although Aurelia wasn’t too keen on siding with Ramel and could care less about how people chose to think of him, this time the matter was different. By insulting Ramel, Lady Lillian and the Elder were trying to humiliate the Romanov household, and she wasn’t going to stand by and watch like a silent spectator. “Not all boys need to die on the battlefield. In fact, I don’t think your
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The Gunsmith awakens
Ezra felt a tingling sensation in his right hand, and his thoughts immediately went back to that peculiar incident in his room. He quickly hid his right hand behind his back and then turned to Aurelia.Normally, whenever a system panel flickered into life, it would be visible to all in the nearby area. But strangely enough, no one seemed to be bothered by Ezra’s Gunsmithing screen.After staring at those present around him for a while, Ezra realized that they could not see his Gunsmithing system display, and the information floating in front of his eyes was only visible to him.Suddenly, Ezra felt an unbearable pain shooting up his right arm, and he could tell something was squirming under his skin. “Not again,” Ezra mumbled under his breath, his hands turning cold and his face rapidly losing color.Aurelia wanted to talk to Ezra and comfort him, but he hurried back to his room without a single word.Although Ezra was quite used to being ridiculed by those around him, things had gone
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All about guns and magic
Ezra wasn’t too keen on trusting strangers, but since he was scraping the bottom of the barrel here, his desperation made him seek out every light no matter how faint.Though initially, Ezra had been blaming the eye for his condition, as he remembered the incident with the cursed hammer everything became clear.Ezra's arm was already crippled when he visited the museum, and the eye only manifested after he touched the cursed item. Everything added up, clearing all his doubts.While it was true that the eye had been feeding on his blood and consuming the healing herbs and potions to awaken from its dormant state, it no longer had any need to feed on Ezra’s life force.However, the eye and the mouth still continued absorbing a small fraction of Ezra's magic power to remain awake. Instead of hiding the truth, Gremory explained everything to Ezra and awaited his decision.“If I can’t get rid of you, I might as well use your knowledge to my advantage,” Ezra replied after a good deal of thin
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A training dungeon
A year sounded like a long time, but Ezra knew he would not be the only one training for the duel. If what Cecilia had said was true and Jasenki had indeed reached level E, Ezra would have a tall task before him.Even though Ezra himself was at level E, he hadn’t been able to awaken two of his most powerful skills due to his crippled hands. And he desperately needed them to survive a duel with another shooter of his level.“I will do my best to improve. I promise I won’t let you all down,” Ezra whispered to himself as his recent humiliation flashed before his eyes, strengthening his resolve to prove his worth to all those who doubted him.Ezra had read about training dungeons. But he had never been inside one. These were secret magical locations infested with different kinds of magical beasts and monsters and some of them were even filled with myriads of traps.Most would have expected a crippled boy to turn back when asked to train in such a dangerous place, but Ezra was excited to fi
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A sticky situation
Ezra stared at the objectives flashing on his system screen and smiled. Completing shooting objectives was one of the fastest ways to increase magic power and obtain special perks which boosted one’s special skills or sometimes even modified them in unique ways.“I just need to kill ten Gloops and there are twelve of them here. This should not be too difficult,” Ezra mumbled to himself as he prepared to take his first shot.The smaller Common Gloops were relatively harmless creatures and could be killed even with a slingshot. However, Ezra was mainly concerned with the two larger ones accompanying them.Bloated Gloops were the overgrown adults of the Gloop colonies and were much more resistant to normal projectile attacks. The good thing was, every Gloop variant was vulnerable to magic and Ezra had just loaded his gun with magic bullets.As Ezra tried to curl his fingers around the grip of his revolver a sharp pain flared up in his right arm, causing him to grit his teeth. “I can…do t
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Tricks of the trade
Ezra backed away with unsteady steps as he heard the sloshing sounds getting closer. He tried to open his eyes, but the sticky slime coating his face obscured his vision. Everything in front of Ezra was a blurry mess, and while the slime wasn’t toxic, it had a rotten stench which made almost made him throw up. “I should have been more careful,” Ezra mumbled as he tried to clean the greasy mess smothering his eyes and nose. One of the Bloated Gloops stayed back and prepared to regurgitate another slimy bolus while the other one bounced across the stony ground and headed toward Ezra.After struggling for a while, Ezra finally managed to wipe away the slime covering his upper face. As he reopened his eyes, he saw the Bloated Gloop’s mouth stretched wide open, ready to pounce on him.“Magic Burst!” Ezra pointed his left palm at the Gloop and shouted.A blast of magic energy shot out from the middle of his palm and pushed the Gloop back, creating some much needed distance. Before the Gl
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A new ability
Ezra smiled with satisfaction as he flicked open his system panel and reviewed his new stats. The enchanted firearm had made his life a whole lot easier, allowing him to complete shooting objectives with ease. Within just a few minutes, Ezra’s magic power had increased by almost 50%. It was a great start, but he knew he had ways to go before he could awaken his true potential. Having dealt with the Gloops, Ezra felt confident about facing what lay ahead. “Just need to destroy the crystal, and then I can finally get out of here,” Ezra spoke confidently as he headed down the corridor. The corrupted crystal turned a shade darker and started vibrating as Ezra walked closer. He was within a few feet from the crystal when suddenly a low droning sound caught his attention. Ezra turned around and immediately spotted the culprit. It was a peculiar creature that seemed to be a strange fusion between a bat and a mosquito. The flying menace had thin, membranous wings covered in rusty brow
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