Finally Out

As both Axel and Erza ran with bright smiles on their faces, they unwillingly noticed that they were already outside of the forest's shade.

In an open area, they stood, circling around with their heads held high, under the bright sun.

"We're finally out." Axel paused after seeing a man standing beyond them.

Patiently standing firm in a dignified posture with his hands behind his back. His face was unclear; his silhouette was all they could see. While he exuded an aura of power and authority similar to that of a king.

"Who's that?" Axel asked.

Erza shook her head softly and responded, "I don't know. He somehow looks like a beast man."

"State your names!" The man yelled with a deepened voice, showing a hint of order.

"What did he say?" Axel asked, feeling dumbfounded by the man's overwhelming voice.

"He asked for our names," Erza whispered. "My name is Ezra, and this child is Axel." she stated in a loud tone.

The man started walking towards them, only to be surprised after seeing Axel's
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