The group of guards stood on the watchtower, looking out for any sign of transformed people to gun them down before they spread the disease. Suddenly, they saw three pregnant women approaching. The guards looked at each other, thinking about how weird the situation was.

As the women got closer, they grew uglier and uglier. When the three women got close enough to the gates, the guards asked them to halt and asked what was their mission. One of the youngest women stepped in front and replied that they needed a place to stay and safely give birth. The guard asked if they were infected and she refuted.

The guard asked why the woman's voice sounded strange. And she said she had a cough. The guard asked them to wait. As they waited, a small part of the gate opened, and a guard came out with a cross, then he pointed it in front of each and everyone of them.

He concluded that the women were not infected as they didn't react to the cross. He asked them to go in. As the woman walked toward
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