Chapter 139: Beyond Just an Accident

Alex tried to dissuade Kelly and prevent her from worrying about his well-being by assuring her that there was "nothing for now, dear." Kelly had already gone ahead to check on the other injured employees.

While everything was going on, Alex left the hospital and went outside to phone his friend James, who worked at the call center. After a few attempts, the connection was successfully connected, and an eager voice belonging to James could be heard.

"Hae buddy, it's been what seems like an eternity since you decided to check on me. Do you have a position that I could apply for?" While James was munching, he said.

"Sorry about that, brother. I was gone for a little while, but I've returned to the city now. There is a job available for you, yes. I recently got a threatening phone call from an unidentified number. I have reason to believe that I am in danger; thus, I need you to investigate the specifics of the person. Could you please assist me with that?" Alex said as he watched a Bu
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