3. Rude Companion

They headed further inside amidst the bustling activities from the other players. Some of them were involved in deep negotiation among themselves, some were having a dispute for something, an item perhaps. There were even a small clash, surrounded by the sudden spectators who were betting for the victor.

“Alright, let’s check the bulletin board. Most of them were the quests, requirements, rewards, and other stuffs. We’re looking for a team that still has space for you, Clyde,” remarked Bonnie while skimming over the information posted. “Hey, this one doesn’t look half bad. Have a look!”

“Hello, i'm Leon the leader of a group of adventurer called Feisty Five. We’re down one member, a Healer to be precise. Scan the QR Code below to immediately join us in the mission.” Clyde finished reading that information and he looked all over the board only to find that was the only post looking for the member. “Bonnie, are you sure I can’t solo this game?”

The short-haired femme fatale only smirked while shaking her head, insinuating that Clyde didn’t have any choice.

“But I’m not a Healer, do you think they will let me in?” worried Clyde.

“Buddy, you’re more than just that. On top of boosting other stats, a Gambler is even rumored to fabricate the reality on his lucky day!” boasted Bonnie. “Healing is just a child’s play compared to that, trust me!”

Though he knew that Bonnie’s words couldn’t be taken seriously, still Clyde scanned the QR Code with the Player Bracelet that he received when he logged in for the first time. A pop-up screen appeared, showing him the location in the map for his next step.

“Bonnie, do you know this place?” asked Clyde while showing her the coordination point.

“Let me see, Gaur Meadow, huh? That’s like, the first place you see when you get out of this town. Let me update it for you so you can just utilize the warp feature to go there,” explained Bonnie.

“Hey, that’s funny because the way you talk sounds like you’re not coming with me,” uttered Clyde.

That seemingly innocent remark reminded Bonnie that she wasn’t supposed to be there at this time of the day. A glance on her watch was all that it took to ignite her fuse.

“It’s because I won’t. Listen, I’m here because you dragged me indirectly. I didn’t plan to log in to Revlogia because I have things to do and places to be in the real world! You’re lucky for getting on my good side and remain intact!”

After ranting, she disappeared in a flash, leaving the clueless newbie alone in the foreign environment.



A blue light suddenly shone out of nowhere. When it subsided, Clyde appeared, looking confused to see the surrounding environment. Judging from his reaction, it must be his first time playing this kind of game.

“Alright, I’m here at last! Now, where are the others?” said that guy to himself. “They must be around here. The meeting point, I’m sure I got it right!”

That guy walked through the meadow, trying to locate his supposed teammates. But no matter where he looked at, let alone anybody, not even anything around.

“Weird! I followed the instructions correctly,” mumbled the young man. “Ah, perhaps I am too early! Yeah, that should be it!”

Clyde opened his game window again to see of there's any notification about the party he wish to join. QR code he was scanned before only bring him to the location.


A sound rang out of the blue, startling him. He rise up in a rush, wondering where did that noise come from.

“Ah, silly old me! This where the notification is!” commented him. “I know I should have kept up with the trend with the youngsters nowadays.”

He opened up the menu panel to check the incoming message. It took him a while since all of the features there was not familiar to him.

“Okay, I think this is where I can check the messages coming...” guessed Clyde while his finger pointing at the mail icon in his menu panel.


Clyde frowned to see that mail with all capitals. He saw the sender, it was from Leon, the one who posted an announcement about the opening of a position in his team. Too bad Bonnie isn't there to help Clyde comunicating with the poster properly.

“It seems I have the wrong location. Or it could be them who got the location wrong,” hypothesized Clyde. “But I checked the map numerous times, there’s no way I’m wrong!”

As Clyde was busy with his thought, a phone icon filled up his entire menu panel, as a sign of incoming call. It was from Leon.

“Ugh, his previous message sounds angry. Do I really want to pick up this video call?” hesitated Clyde. “Uh well, here goes nothing!”

Clyde slid the menu to accept the call. The entire screen was filled with Leon’s angry face.

“You are Clyde, right? The one who joined into our group recently? Where are you right now? What do you take us for?” interrogated Leon directly to the point.

“Uhm, the place where we’re supposed to meet?” replied Clyde with his dumbest expression available. He didn’t feel like he was wrong, so he could not show any sign of guilt nor remorse. “Anyway, it should be me who’s asking, though. I spent quite a few good minutes here, maybe an hour has passed already, and you didn’t hear me complaining.”

“Oi, a little bit chatty today, innit? Pretty cheeky for someone who dragged the feet of his teammates,” responded Leon in return. “Did you follow the instruction properly to meet up at the mouth of a cave?”

“Hmm? What do you mean? I thought the meeting point was the meadow?” remarked Clyde confused.

“Aaargh, you bonehead! Haven’t you checked again the revise I made in the location? What are you? A newbie?” raged Leon. “I know I shouldn’t have accepted a random newbie like you in my team!”

“Hey, quit it with the blame game, dude,” said Clyde to defend himself. “You should have told me that there was an update. No need to get angry.”

Leon fumed with anger. He couldn’t let Clyde know that he forgot to inform the new recruit about the change in meeting point. That was one of his bad habits, instead of feeling guilt, Leon would transform his shame into a wave of fury directed to the person he deemed worthy of his wrath.

“Our first mission hasn’t even started yet and we’ve been having beef already!” complained Leon furiously. “Enough of your blabbering! Get your sorry ass here pronto!”

“Geez, you could have said so from the very beginning and we would have saved tons of time,” commented Clyde, moment before Leon turned off the call. That carefree remark made Leon wanted to spill his anger some more, but he already finished the call.



Without further ado, the same blue light that brought him here appeared again, engulfing his entire body and leaving no trace behind.

He didn’t even feel the passage of time. Just a blink and he already changed location. The very first things he saw when he arrived were the grumpy faces of the people in tough looking outfits. The small girl didn’t seem to mind much, though.

“You’re late, noob!” greeted a burly man wearing a spike armor and horned helmet.

“Well, thanks for the info, musclehead, but I’m already aware of that,” uttered Clyde nonchalantly while walking towards Leon, the only person in the group whose face he knew already. “So, I’m here now, and I take that you are Leon? I’m Clyde.”

Leon scoffed to hear that remorseless introduction, but he was pressed by the time, thus he avoided further debates that might damage their time limit.

“You’re lucky that we’re running late, otherwise I’m gonna barrage you with my fire!” threatened Leon while clenching his fist in front of Clyde’s face, who didn’t seem to take his leader seriously.

“Guys, let’s move out!” ordered Leon to his peers when he had enough of Clyde’s sneering expression. The other members followed him into the cave, leaving Clyde alone.

“Aww, come on, guys. No introductions?” moaned Clyde from the distance, while sluggishly dragged his feet, completely oblivious to what his new teammates thought about him.

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