Chapter 147: B-Team
Aiden was dumbfounded. How was this a reward? It simply contradicted itself. The problem it caused was having him be a prime target for the Zaltyr, but it would also save him from them once.

Then, is the mark erased once the life-saving opportunity is used?

[Yes, everything returns to normal after that]

This made him heave a sigh of relief. He tried to look at this from a positive perspective. This meant the mark was not meant to specifically protect him from the Zaltyr, its main purpose was to protect him from every other thing that tried to kill him.

Thinking about it this way made it easier to accept the fact that he was going to be in trouble with the Zaltyr sooner or later, albeit only slightly.

Elder Zarek watched Aiden go through his thoughts for a few minutes while he thought of the command he had received from The World Seed.

Aiden had recovered his thoughts at this point and decided to check on his elemental seed. He was elated to see the changes to his elemental seed.

The mu
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