Chapter 19: Fighting the Dark lord

Chapter 19: Fighting the Dark lord

Xander, Lillia, Sophie, and the old man sage charged towards the Demon King, their weapons at the ready. The ground shook beneath them as the Demon King roared and charged towards them.

"Be careful, everyone," the old man sage warned. "This is not a foe to be underestimated."

Xander lunged forward, swinging his sword with all his might. The Demon King deftly parried the blow and retaliated with a powerful punch that sent Xander flying back.

Lillia charged in next, wielding her staff with deadly precision. She landed a few solid blows on the Demon King, but he was far too powerful to be taken down so easily. He grabbed her staff and broke it with a single motion, leaving Lillia defenseless.

Sophie sprang into action, hurling fireballs at the Demon King with all her might. The flames exploded on impact, but the Demon King barely seemed to notice. He shrugged off the attacks like they were nothing.

The old man sage used his magic to create a barrier aro
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