Chapter 88: His Side of the Story

"I already told you there isn't much to say anyway, but if you really wanna waste yer time, then...suit yerself."

He had in fact told me, thrice. I gathered that though he had intended to tell me everything afterwards, now that the time came to do so, he found it incredibly hard to keep his word. I hadn't asked him to say anything in the first place, he brought it up himself. And now he was entangled in his own thoughts. It dawned on me then, that he had never intended to come out alive from that fight.

We kept walking and walking under the increasingly crimson sky, the illusion was really over. And despite my fears, it never rained. We were passing through a thicket, as the night began to crawl in and Chopper decided that we'd stay for the night. There was a ravine nearby, I could hear the sound of a waterfall as well. Truthfully, it was a lullaby to my exhausted ears. While, I'd have preferred sleep, Chopper instead proposed we wash ourselves from the battle.

I wonder what kind of r
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