Chapter 20

she said. “But my throat feels a little better since it’s empty.”

Her mom nodded. “Yeah. I saw how much you drank earlier, so I put some ice chips in it just in case. So it shouldn’t hurt that much for a while.”

Sarah gave her a thankful smile. Her mom smiled back and kissed her forehead. Her dad went over to the coffee table and sat down next to her, giving her a gentle pat on the leg. She moved closer to him and laid her head on his shoulder.

They continued eating dinner quietly. Once they had finished they cleared everything off the table and cleaned up afterwards. Afterwards Sarah and her parents sat down on the couch.

“So,” her mom began. “How were classes today, honey?”

She shrugged. “Same as always. Same amount of homework. Same teachers, same stuff, same classwork. Just regular high school shit.” Her mom nodded. “Yeah, well, the only thing different was that I wasn’t allowed to skip anymore classes because we don’t want anyone else getting hurt.”

That made them sigh in relief
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