Chapter 42

After the auction event, Henry met the committee to pay the bill for the auction he won. Henry came alone because Lily had previously chosen to return to the room because she felt nauseous. Actually, Henry was reluctant to leave Lily, but since she said she would be fine, he hurried to get the dress they had gotten.

"Wait for me, baby!" Henry muttered under his breath as he walked quickly.

Arriving at the place, he immediately paid all the bills using his black card. After that, Henry headed back to his room half-running because he was still worried about Lily's condition.

It turned out that when Henry arrived at the room, Lily was fine. She only felt nauseous because of the baby in her womb.

"Thank goodness then, I can rest easy now." Henry smiled slightly, before handing her the dress he had taken.

Meanwhile, Lily was so happy when she received the dress, she even held it very carefully because she knew the price was a fantastic amount. This was the first time Lily had gotten such a
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