"---Next level Superman shit"

As Matt fell from the sky, ethereal skeletal wings formed behind his back which flapped once before he instantly accelerated as he did a flip midair and with a low rumble Matt slammed his feet into the ground kicking up dust as he crushed the red bricks under his feet at Flagpole plaza, the Zinfaquel terrorists that were spread over the island were instantly alerted to his descent and without waiting for the dust to clear, nor checking their lines of fire, they took aim and fired their weapons towards the dust cloud, the sound of bullets hitting steel sounded out for a bit before Matt’s figure flashed out of the dust cloud, he was completely covered in white dragon scales by now, he instantly closed the distance with the closest terrorists and punched out center mass turning the man into a thick paste with a single punch before his figure flashed towards the next terrorist, then came a 3rd, a 4th, a 5th cloud of thick red paste before the terror

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