darkness will spread everywhere

My throat tightened as a sob rose to the top of my lungs. A melancholic sadness. The sound of a sincere scream (mournful). A stinging ache struck my chest, and my chest clenched as a result. "I called out in low tones," I said. My eyes were prickling with tears as I screamed out in despair at the circumstance I found myself in. So, how bleak my life had become, and what had I done to deserve it all? When the devil makes his way inside our stronghold. Was he just waiting for my mother, the angel, to pass away before taking his chance? Was he just waiting for the right moment to exact his revenge? Yes my mum died and that gives a chance for evil to spread in our home. My father gave him the key for all the rooms. There is no way out of there. There is no joy in the garden. When I was ten years old, I really wanted to die. For me, things were never going well. My teenage years were spent in a dark cage with dogs and constant hunger, humiliated in front of others. I heard before that good
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