Son Of Darkness

7 ratings

Son Of Darkness

By: soufianemeziane OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 198 views: 19.8K

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In his wife's opinion, John was a piece of garbage. A piece of tissue paper was thought to be his priceless gift to his wife. Nobody knew he was General Carlos's son by another woman. The Carlos family never anticipated his arrival. What will transpire, however, if he is chosen to succeed the General as a New General of the City?

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  • reno Mea


    ...️...️I love it...️...️

    2023-04-01 00:53:12
  • Dark steven


    Amazing ...

    2023-03-31 21:33:23
  • soufianemeziane


    thank you ...️

    2023-03-20 17:02:53
  • Taufique Mohammed


    Super! I love this story

    2023-04-07 16:02:22
  • Akwen Solange


    I just hope there will not be chapters to unlock,some of us don’t have money,it’s so annoying sometimes

    2023-04-24 14:04:22
  • Delinda Schumacher


    129 chapters 4-14-23

    2023-04-15 00:23:56
  • Hollman Jose Espinoza Medina


    buena serie me gustan

    2023-01-11 08:03:52
Latest Chapter
198 chapters
Chapter -1 John's miserable life
"Good morning, beautiful gorgeous queen. The breakfast is prepared” but he had to go right now since he had work. John said with a smile, trying to kiss his wife Jennifer.However, Jennifer tried to avoid the kiss, she got up quickly and put on her clothes with a poker face,John was confused, these days Jennifer changed a lot, she started to avoid all intimate activities with him, and seldom smiled at home.“Jennifer, what happened to you? You seem to be unhappy these days.” John asked worriedly..Jennifer froze for a moment and soon went back to normal, “No, not at all, why have you ask?”She replied, continued to have her breakfast, didn’t even look at John’s face.John tried to say something, but he hesitated. Jennifer pretended to be calm and finished her breakfast quickly.“I’m going to be late, see you at night,” She left without a kiss, or even a smile.“She must be so tired these days, if she saw my surprise for her tonight, she will be happy again!” John thought, with a smil
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Chapter -2 The betrayal
The next morning, John got up as he did every day and made breakfast for his wife, Jennifer. He believed that by doing so, he would make her feel happy; but, Jennifer did not pay him any attention, and she did not even glance at his face. “You are so stunning today babe!” john said, expecting that she will reply. “Babe? I’m talking with you!” he insisted, "Where are you going?” When he questioned her about where she is going. She immediately began to shout at him. “What a foolish and destitute individual, who do you think you are to ask me? She belittled him by using a lot of harsh language. “This is not of your business idiot!” she did not care about his emotions in the least She stepped outdoors after leaving him behind at the house. John couldn't hide his disappointment as he looked at her, but he saw that she was moving away from him. He mustered all his strength and made the decision to go to work. When he arrived, everyone was staring at him in a strange way, giving hi
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Chapter -3 Light Of Life
There was no hesitation on the part of the guards of the boss Steven, and they immediately began beating him to his face. Neither the boss nor Jennifer showed any pity for Steven in any way. “Take this poor down! Beat him!” Steven asked from his guards. No one was able to stop them, despite the man's cries of "please help!" Jennifer!" but no one had the courage to intervene in the situation. Beaten from his face to his belly, under the screaming and the yelling of the guardians, they spit on his face and it was the last thing they did in front of Jennifer and everyone there in the restaurant. “Please Jennifer! Help me!” John begged and asked for mercy from her, she was the only one there who could stop, but she didn’t. “Shut your f*** mouth!” Steven put his feet on john’s mouth and told him to stop spelling her name. “You have to learn idiot when you speak with us!” Jennifer also reacted as a devil, and insulted him with miserable guy. “Let’s go babe, I don’t want to stay here
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Chapter -4 The Mafia King
John didn't think he would lose his grandma after the long trip to the hospital; she was all he had left. "She won't die." he told himself that. After everything that had occurred in his life, losing another person was incredibly painful. His grandma stared into his tear-filled eyes, unable to believe that the day would come when she would have to explain to him how his life had become such a tremendous mess. “After the death of your mother I took you away from your father john. You have to know that.” She told him. John was quite inquisitive and asked many questions because he was so eager to learn the truth. “Why would you take me from my father grandma?” he asked her, and begging for answers. “I was so scared about you dear, your father is heartless.” She replied and tears in her eyes. The fact that his father was a ruthless mafia lord rather than a regular guy wasn't anything his grandma tried to hide from him or avoid answering. He was known as James the mafia king of th
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Chapter-5 I Will Dare
John was so joyful that day that he didn't even confront his wife or mother-in-law since he knew he was no longer dependent on them. John had never anticipated becoming a powerful, wealthy guy. He was given a warm welcome as soon as he walked into his father's office, and his father informed him that he had a great surprise in the office for him. He was informed that a sizable celebration would soon be held in his honor to proclaim that John is the next heir and will succeed his father as the next mafia king, inheriting all of his father's wealth. There were guards all around, and one of them delivered a ton of food to the table where John and his father were ready to have a conversation. “Dad! Can you lend me few dollars?” john asked his father. “Are you kidding me son! This city is yours you will take and have whatever you desire.” John’s father replied and laughed and made several jokes and giggled. John was astonished to learn that he would be the owner of such fortune. His
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Chapter -6 The New challenge
“I want you to meet an old friend he will show you a lot of methods, to become a strong mafia king.” John’s father said. “Okay dad.” John replied John requested some time before beginning the job since he wanted to get even with his wife and her new lover first. “I don’t want her to enter the company tomorrow, I want her to get humiliated.” john requested his father to forbid his wife from entering the business the next morning, and his father agreed and gave the guards strict orders. When the new owner of the business phoned, John instructed him to make fun of his wife outside the entryway. “Don’t you even think to let her enter, is that clear?” John talked to the new owner. “Absolutely sir, don’t worry.” The new owner replied. John's life is fantastic right now since the following morning, his wife got ready as usual with plenty of cosmetics and a nice outfit. She was truly rather attractive, but not in John's eyes because he knew why she was dressed that way obviously, it w
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Chapter -7 A New Beginning
He came back to kick his wife out of the house because he was no longer able to handle her. He took the guards and went right to the house. She was weeping and really sad as he arrived, and her mother was attempting to calm her down. “Where is that trash, where are you b***?” john yelled. “Wait john; please don’t do that to me.” Jennifer begged him and asked for his mercy. “Take her out from here.” John instructed the guards to remove her from the home without showing any compassion. He explained to her why the new owner of the business fired and insulted her, calling her a traitor, liar, and gold digger. When John spoke such things to her in front of her mother, she was in disbelief. “Please forgive her, I beg you son!” His mother-in-law said, acting like a snake and telling him that she had always thought of him as a son and had never wanted to see him apart from Jennifer. “Jennifer come here and ask for forgiveness.” Her mother asked. “Are you kidding me b***” john laugh
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Chapter-8 I Will Not Fade
To observe what was going on, he made a little attempt to open the door, and there was Kahina's parents' spacious room. He turned to see Kahina talking with her stepmother about getting married, but it was pointless since the woman continued to say no.“You have to get married with your cousin!” her stepmother yelled.“No! I want someone that I love.” Kahina was upset when she replied.“Go to you room now, your father will not be happy with that.” Her stepmother asked.When Kahina left the room weeping, she saw that John was staring at her. She didn't say anything; she just left.That night, John couldn't sleep because he kept thinking about Kahina and how difficult her life is. He believed that since he had also had a difficult life, he could relate to the darkness in her life.After that strange night, John met Mr. Brawn the following morning, who informed him that he would take care of his self-defense training and that his father had advised working with a specialized trainer.How
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Chapter -9 love is a dangerous killer
Going back home and allowing her wasn't the best decision after all, so it wasn't an easy night for John either. Going back without her had been a mistake, and he acknowledged that his father was correct. John attempted to contact her but her phone was locked; he sent her many messages but received no reply; he then began to worry excessively about what may have happened to her. There was no other way he could get in touch with her. He contacted his guards at four in the morning, telling them to be ready and that he was returning there. “I have to go back to the castle of Mr. Brawn.” John said. “Sir, please I know who is Mr. Brawn.” The guard said. “What do you mean by that?” john inquired. One of the bodyguards informed him that her father is an elderly mafia figure who would show no compassion if anybody attempted to approach his daughter and who would also forbid him from marrying her since her father favored her cousin, even though Kahina also loved him. For many years, th
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Chapter -10 First Mission
The most horrific experience that a human being may have in their lifetime is the prospect of exacting revenge. John couldn't even ask a lot of questions about the guy who had to be murdered since he didn't expect to find out that the man who must be killed is the one who killed his mother. John was presented to one of the security personnel, a muscular individual by the name of Reno. John's father had hired Reno to serve as a bodyguard for John since his father had a great deal of faith in him. John asked Reno if he already knows about that owner of gold, and Reno said that this owner lived in the big red castle, which had been called red because there were rumors that the walls had been colored with the blood of dead people. John asked if he already knows about that owner of gold. Reno said that this owner lived in the big red castle. John has made the decision to track down the person who killed not only his mother but also a large number of other people who were not guilty, d
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